Polly's Pancake Parlor has a rich history. In the early 1800's the land was originally settled by man named Brigham Hildreth. It ran as Hildreth Farm until Brigham Hildreth's granddaughter, Lucy, renamed it Hildex Farm. Slowly the farm became producing maple as one of it's main products and began to ship it all over the country. Lucy unfortunately died and her husband Wilfred remarried a woman named Pauline, or Polly, Taylor. In 1938, during the great depression, the couple decided to help their business by opening a tearoom that served pancakes. Thus Polly's Pancake Parlor was born and continued to grow. Today Polly and Wilfred's pictures still hang in the diner along with antique tools used in the farm's early days. The parlor has stayed in the family ever since.
Polly's Pancake Parlor is not just another breakfast diner. They use no prepared pancake mixes, which means their batters are prepared from scratch. Their whole wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal buttermilk, and cornmeal pancakes are all made with organically grown grains that the parlor stone grinds themselves on the property. Their syrup is hand selected from Fuller's Maple in Lancaster. Their granulated maple sugar and maple spread is homemade at the far, using the same process that Wilfred did when the parlor was started. For those that cannot quite make it to the diner Polly's Pancake Parlor offers it's maple products to ship right to your home.
True to their Maple loving nature their website offers Maple recipes to try at home. These include Nancy's Maple Oatmeal Cookies, Oatmeal Maple Scones, Aunt Bea's Maple Sponge Cake with Vanilla Glaze and much more! Whatever your reason for visiting New Hampshire Polly's Pancake Parlor is an absolute must-visit not only for their delicious maple products and pancakes, but for their love of the community. Polly's Pancake Parlor, like its famous maple, is sticking around for good.